It was fun while it lasted!

The fact that you browse r/funny is bad enough it's arguable worse than the cancerous cess pool that you think I love so much. You also felt the need to look up the communities I've made like 2 posts in (both of which were calling them out) because you had no argument to make, just trolling, so I figured I'd be a dankmemer and stoop to your level.

Best part is even if I told you my age you probably would keep screaming like an insecure 12 year old that I'm 12 so you got me in a loop here bud. You probably are actually much older than me all things considered since you have no issue with a meme that died 4 years ago.. Especially since you took a damn comment so personally that you felt the need to personally attack someone from the anonymous safety of your Reddit account

The memes on this sub are usually pretty solid I just call out dead memes or reposts when I see them. If you've got a problem with that then get over yourself

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