Funniest BM you have seen in game?

As frustrating as it can be, in all honesty, I much prefer sarcastic VGS spam as BM rather than people getting on their mics and talking shit. I've been playing Smite on Xbox since closed beta and can count on one hand the number of times I've heard someone BM over their mic. To be fair, I usually play with friends, so I'm in a party, but every time I play, I usually have one to three rounds when I'm playing by myself before everyone else hops on and I rarely ever hear mic BM.

But last night, I had the typical VGS BM experience. Playing Arena, an Ares on our team immediately rush the enemies at their jungle camp alone before minions spawned. He died almost instantly of course. He spammed, "Help! Thanks! Thanks!" He respawned and rushed them at their attack speed camp again and died just as quickly. "Help! Help! Thanks! Thanks!"

He proceeded to intentionally feed the enemy for 90% of the round, intentionally using his ult when no enemies were around. Despite him being an asshole, the rest of my team kept the game close the entire way, and when the game was tied at ~100-100, he actually started trying and we won. Still reported him for intentionally feeding, though (his final K/D was something like 3-19, he didn't "land" a single ult). The other team must've been awful, as we should've had no chance at winning because of him.

And then there are the Xbox players who take the joke and laugh emotes way too personally. I was playing a Joust with two other friends. We were all in a goofy mood, not really taking the game seriously, so we were spamming laughs and joke emotes the entire round. When we went to take our mana camp, we were laugh and joke spamming to each other. When heading back to lane, laugh and joke spamming. Any time not spent clearing minions or teamfighting, we were laugh and joke spamming. We took the minotaur (without the enemy team even contesting) and laugh and joke spammed each other the whole time. Like I said, we were in a goofy mood.

Unfortunately, our mood was perhaps too goofy because despite dominating virtually the entire round, we were on the wrong end of a deicide late game, which was enough time for the enemy team to take our phoenix and get the Titan. Whatever, it was just a casual game with three friends and we were having fun.

But after we got back to the menu, I got two messages from two players on the other team. "Bitch. Don't fucking spam laugh and taunt like that again." The other just called me a "pussy." This made the whole thing even funnier, as we didn't use the taunt emote even once (as far as I could tell) and our laugh and joke spam was directed entirely at ourselves -- like I said, we didn't use it when clearing waves or teamfighting since those were the only times when we actually focused.

Point being that, good god, some people take the emote functions way too seriously. It's part of the game; that's why they are there in the first place. I get it; someone spams taunt because of one good play when you've been dominating him most of the game and it gets to you. So get back at that person. Kill him, take his tower, force him to back. If cartoony, inoffensive in-game taunts and corny jokes actually, personally offend you to the point that you send people messages outside of the game filled with insults and all kinds of language that the in-game jokes and taunts don't contain at all, it might be time to put the game down for a good while and play something else.

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