24 year old male. I have never kissed or even held hands with a girl. I am a failure at everything I do in life.

I was 100lbs overweight. On my 16th birthday in September 2007, I got drunk and rejected by a girl I asked out at a pizza shop, then I made a decision to lose the weight.

I ate three meals a day, no snacks. Typically around 1200 calories a day. Water and coffee with milk only. Week by week, I saw the weight coming off. No exercise, just dieting. By July, I was down to 145 lbs from around 250 lbs. I credit some of it to being a teenager with a better metabolism, but I was fucking disciplined and determined.

Since then (24 now), I've had sex with five women, and fooled around with countless. They weren't super models, but all of them were attractive in a unique way. Lower your standards dude - you'll have a better time, have cool experiences, and meet some interesting women.

My advice to you. Consult your doctor and lose the weight. After you lose the weight, go to a decent clothing store (like Macy's where they will wait on you hand and foot) on a non-busy day and find a woman working in there. Tell her you have x number of dollars and want to buy some new clothes, but are totally clueless about style, and need a female perspective. Don't act creepy, just professional.

After you have the weight off and some decent clothes, get your ass back in school. First day of classes, figure out where the hotties are sitting, sit right next to the hottest ones (research attractive body language on google), turn around and just say "Hey, I'm Joe, what's up?" Just talk about classes, work, whatever.

This works. Trust me. Also, working in restaurants is like shooting fish in a barrel. Tons of women and tons of parties. Just don't become an alcoholic like me.

Number one piece of advice. Talk to EVERYONE. Hot people, ugly people, foreign people, disabled people, older people, younger people, fat people, skinny people etc. Just don't talk to people with bad hygiene.

Consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss regimen.

/r/depression Thread