no occlusion

Sure, fair enough. Though the set up to achieve a system like that is more than Rift asks for. Did they say how the controllers are tracked and was it clear that occlusion would be a problem?

next generation haptic feedback

Not sure what you mean by this.. Is there something that makes it significantly better than the haptics that oculus will be using? Or is it just different?

compatibility with Vive software and games

Well it better if it's shipping with it lol. I'm sure oculus' controllers will be compatible with oculus games too. I'm also betting the basic input of the controllers will be very similar/easy to implement for both.

included in the package

That's a fair point. It's worth noting that you can preorder the Oculus controllers alongside the rift, though. You just get it 2 or 3 months later, and use the included gamepad until then. Most games have gamepad support though, so I'm content with that.

no extra charge

The cost of the controllers and base stations will be included in the price of buying the headset. Bundling something doesn't make it free.

valve (no Microsoft or Facebook)

Fanboyism doesn't count as a benefit

no controller fragmentation

A little redundant with a previous point. But I doubt 2-3 months will make too large of a problem in the long term. Especially considering the current cost barrier to entry.

Most people buying the rift within the first year or maybe later (that means dropping the cash on building a rig) will likely be enthusiasts who will also purchase the controllers.

When the hardware required to run VR becomes more commonplace in homes, it will be time for mass adoption. By then, these controllers (or better versions) will be included in the bundle. They have the best short term solution given their situation.


If you need vr ASAP, then yes Vive is better for you

Take in mind I haven't fully decided what headset to get. Some people on this sub are just getting silly with how they're declaring Vive undisputed champion, when really the primary advantage is the 12'x9' tracking space. Outside of that (and maybe controller occlusion?), they're pretty much the same.

I am leaning towards oculus, because for the foreseeable future I won't have enough space to take advantage of Vive's benefit. The rift will still let me walk around a decent sized area if I want to, and only needs me to plug in a webcam for tracking.

Plus, until these headsets are wireless I don't really care about a large tracking volume.

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