Gamers of Reddit, what is your most epic moment playing video games?

On phone so please forgive what I'm sure are many spelling and grammar errors. Below is my most epic gaming tail, one that had an substantial effect on who i am today.

Years ago when i was a kid playing Final Fantasy 2 us(iv) on the good ol' SNES. I was at demon wall, I'm sure by now a few of you are having flash backs. Anyways, being a kid my strategy general consisted of attack with most powerful attack, heal when need. Buff and debuffs were just not a thing i understood. So there i am, beating him down when he starts to crush my party, i try reviving a few but they die faster then i can res. One character left, i know in this moment that I've lost, the monuments beast before me has vanquished my party. trying to revive someone us fruitless and cruel, to revive them only to have them beating down before even getting a turn, no...I decide to make one final bid, one last desperate act, the heroine Rosa, surrounded by her fallen comrades, the crushing instant death of the demon wall seconds away, takes up her mighty bow and strikes. A small hit for a few hundred, a few hundred against a titanic for the likes that i have never seen. And... Nothing happens, I move to get up and turn the game off and i hear it, that low scratchy sounds that can mean only one thing. . I won. The enemy fazes out in the red static that all did in this game but this was a long slow drawn out death. Rosa triumphantly celebrates her victory and is rewarded with the entire lot of the enemies experience. I quickly revive and heal everyone and cautiously go to the nearest save point.

I learned two things that day. One is that not mater how terrible the odds are, you should always keep fight because you never know how close you are to victory. And secondly I learned the true joy one can feel from gaming, not a "this is run" or a "I'm having a good time" but joy, a joy that was pure and true. And from that day on i was not a kid that played games, I was a gamer.

/r/AskReddit Thread