Why is genshin the only (or one of very few) action/rpg/gacha games that isn't aimed solely at guys?

If you decided to read further into my comments then was blatantly there, then that's your fault and not mine. Not once did I ever say Honkai or any game featuring sexualized women were a catering to lesbian and bi females. Literally not once. I was objecting to the notion of the original comment or that these games appeal EXCLUSIVELY to males, on account of all the games characters being female. I did this by sarcastically reminding them that women can be attracted to other women as well. To which I start getting multiple people putting words in my mouth about how I'm somehow saying that these are actually games directed at LGBTQ women. Because reasons I guess.

Not once did I say such bs. This whole time I've been battling people saying that I'M the one making generalizations, which is a laugh riot because they themselves are using such generalizations to argue me. All I've done is simply give my own experience and reasoning as to why LGBTQ women may also like such games. But hey, if you want to live in a world where only women can enjoy otome games and only men can enjoy themes of sexualization and violence, then that's your prerogative. In reality, there's people of all walks that like all things. Every human on this earth is unique in their likes and dislikes which is why generalizations are dumb.

But yeah, you do you. If point this crap out makes me an ass, oh well. But I sincerely think you just misunderstood my intention here.

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