Gay marriage stuff megathread, post all your thoughts on SCOTUS ruling here, no where else in the sub.

People aren’t “born gay.” Your sexual proclivities develop as you get older and go through puberty. Your attractions aren’t set in concrete from birth — they change and grow and, in some cases, warp over time.

Progressives believe that our gender can fluctuate between any of 52 different options over the course of our lives, yet they insist that our sexual appetites are somehow written in the stars from the moment of conception. It’s ludicrous, obviously, but it’s necessary in order to convince us of two contradictory propositions: 1) Gays are a community as natural and legitimate as any racial or ethnic group. 2) Men and women are groups more fluid, transformable, negotiable and indecipherable than any other entity or substance on Earth (other than the Constitution).

Through this clever bit of nonsense, they’ve managed to procure for gays the special right and privilege to redefine the institution of marriage, and for men and women they’ve created the supernatural right to change their biological nature.

The truth, however, is that your sexuality is closer to what they say about gender, and your gender is closer to what they say about sexuality. They have it exactly reversed, as usual.

Your race, your sex, your species — these are categories of being. They can’t be altered or modified. They are given to you, they are you. They are part of your design.

The same cannot be said of homosexuality.

What a homosexual is experiencing is a compulsion, a temptation, a proclivity. He is not defined by it unless he chooses to be. He is defined in part — at least on a physical level — by his race and sex, but his sexual desires do not control him or create him or enslave him. They are just urges. And it is simply preposterous and insane to afford special rights to a man’s urges.

There’s one other point that needs to be made here: Before the legalization of gay marriage, the government wasn’t “involved” in marriage, as so many have claimed. It merely recognized the reality of it, acknowledged its importance to society, and took rational steps to protect this essential institution. This was not an interference. For a government to say, “we need strong marriages in this society or our civilization will collapse” can hardly be considered some kind of overreach. It just made sense. It was logical. It was prudent.

Now, though, with the State finally and universally proclaiming that marriage is something other than what it actually is, we will see what government interference in marriage actually looks like. People have long complained that the government should get out of marriage, but it was never in marriage until it decided to dismantle and reshape it.

This is the government in marriage, and it’s a disaster, and our nation will suffer for it, as well it should.

But no matter what happens next, even if America itself crumbles and dies, marriage itself will remain what it’s always been.

There is only one type of marriage. Marriage can only ever mean one thing. The Truth of marriage will stay the same, even as our society descends into total confusion.

/r/TrueChristian Thread