Gaziantep'te yaşayan ve ülkesinde yaşanan savaştan kaçmış Suriyeli sığınmacı Türkleri savaşla tehdit ediyor ve küfür ediyor.

The country is already in a bad position, as I said heavy action against them would most likely end in a civil war. First of all, no matter their opinions a Turk is a Turk. Killing each other is exactly what they want us to do, because a civil war would be end of this country. Secondly, they are really easy to spot because they are not like Turks. Just like how you can spot a Russian in Turkey, you can easily understand who is a refugee and who is a Turk. So it wouldn't be that hard to kick them.

For the borders, we can't unite to do that because as I said some people see taking refugees a good thing because of religious reasons. That would only divert the already tensious country more.

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