AITA for losing my temper at SIL after she ruined the meal I made?

This is all very speculative and you have to admit we are getting one side of the story. OP may be giving us everything the heard and saw, but there could be more to it. We are immediately assuming OP is reasonable, and they may not be. Just the act of starting a giant thread on reddit and trying to boo hoo to a bunch of strangers makes me a little concerned OP is full of drama. Who on earth ever found it productive to cuss out another family member? You will have to see them for the rest of your life, and you just made it weird over pasta. That's the dumbest over reaction I have heard in a while. Also, I have hand made ravioli. Unless OPs floors are nasty and SIL walked through it, I would have scooped that sh** up and washed it off. No one puts sauce on ravioli until it is plated, so we must be talking cooked pasta with no sauce. Lots of signs that OP is TAH.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent