Genderfluid and still want HRT?

That is so totally, 100% me. Actually I took a stroll over here from r/asktransgender to find the answer to this exact question :)

I'm definitely not comfortable boxing myself into one or the other and since I started dressing female more and more I've actually found that I'm now for the first time getting more comfortable in male clothes, as well. I guess it has something to do with them not feeling so much like a cage anymore.

Plus, when I imagine myself as a woman I somehow, how can I put this, almost view myself as transman sort of. Like a woman who is actually (to an extend) male, in a male body (so far). When I imagine myself a few years from now I feel very comfortable thinking about occasionally wearing male clothes and presenting somewhat male with a female 'foundation' sort of. It's very difficult to put into words.

But I definitely want a female name, female pronouns, a feminine face and appearance, breasts, etc. For quite some time this made me question if transition is actually the right path for me, if I'm not in the end "just" genderfluid and that's why I'm not comfortable as entirely male, but transition being sort of "overcompensating" or something like that. But I want it, definitely.

So I'm very glad to find that I'm actually not that weird. So I guess the bottom line is I'm a genderfluid woman, not a genderfluid man and neither is there anything wrong with that nor is it invalid somehow nor does it mean that transition isn't the right way. It just means that things aren't always black and white (not that I ever thought they were), but that doesn't mean that I should be satisfied with any shade of grey just because I'm one shade of grey. So to speak.

Also, I've been mostly hanging out in the trans reddits, looking forward to exploring this one in more detail, I already feel very much at home :) I guess I just needed to know that being genderfluid doesn't mean that transition doesn't make sense to get over my apprehension of accepting my genderfluidity.

So, thanks for being yourself and showing me that I'm not that strange after all, you lovely people :)

/r/genderqueer Thread