General Discussion - October 27, 2017

I have a friend who has a son in his early 20s. She lives in another country but her ex husband is Canadian. He abandoned her and her son when she was pregnant basically by ghosting her. For whatever reason, she had some fond memories of him and felt that he had truly loved her during the time that they were together. Since then, she’s had a slew of really bad relationships with manipulative men. Recently, she found him on social media, and saw that he runs some kind of organization for single mothers and children, and has it long-term girlfriend who has a kid that he’s supporting.

Needless to say this has shattered her fond memories and broke her heart again 20something years later and feels like there’s something defective with her because of all her failed relationships.

I want to support her and send her messages of love and encouragement, but I’m not normally good at that kind of thing. Help?

(Also, probably not the greatest idea to say something like there a lot of fish on the sea. She lives in a really rural area where most people are married at 19-22.)

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