What's the most disturbing/regrettable thing you've seen in a video on social media?

I have seen hundreds of execution videos/tutorials. I am familiar with the COPINE scale (used to rate the severity of child abuse material.) A little over 5 hours ago I could hear a dog screaming due to pain being inflicted in what the video called a "prank". I am a moderator.

Recently a friend was talking to me and mentioned that they saw a horrible video. They described it briefly and I knew which one they were referring to before they finished the second sentence. People do some really fucked up things to each other but that often pales in comparison to how some people treat animals. The sounds are horrifying. Child abuse material is equally as horrific, however thankfully I haven't come across it as often.

What's the most disturbing thing? That's a difficult question. There's a lot of depravity and depending on what makes you tick, it could be different. I know I can't talk to my family members about anything because they for one are not desensitized to it, secondly do not have coping mechanisms, and thirdly would have their perspectives changed if aware of the amount of abuse... For parents, the child abuse and grooming stuff would probably be the worst. For people with pets, probably the animal abuse. If neither, then yes those are still angering and upsetting, but you might find torture etc harder to observe.

/r/AskReddit Thread