As a genuine question with no means to offend, why do sexual assault victims wait so long to seek charges against their alleged abusers?

I think enough time has passed in here I can share and it'll get buried. I'll probably delete this later.

When I was around 9 or 10 I was molested by an older boy in my neighborhood who was 16 or 17. I didn't tell anyone for about 15 years. I was ashamed that I allowed it to happen because I was a boy and boy's "shouldn't allow something like that to happen". I ended up addicted to food, porn, spending money, gaming, and probably more I can't think of. It has also played a part in why I have horrendous self-esteem. I finally joined a 12 step program for compulsive overeaters 5 years ago and when doing my 4th step I finally told someone else. I was so embarrased I was almost in tears (I might have been in fact). After I finally told someone I felt relief. I've since told my parents about it. It gets easier each time I tell someone.

To sum up though I've never sought charges because I grew up telling myself that it was my fault it happened and that I should bring the secret to my grave. I feel like at this point I'm better off just letting sleeping dogs lie so to speak (I think that's rhe right expression).

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread