Geoff and totalbiscut liked both.


it was WARCRAFT and warhammer fantasy that was a blizzard/GW thing, starcraft had a lot less influence from 40k

Plus a: s

tarcraft terrans are completely different from the Imperium, space rednecks/ muricans. Even considering the more lax approach with rouge trader they were completely different


Zerg/tyranids: Both are inspired by HG gieger's Alien

1993: 2nd edition nids are multi-colored weird things, they were more like anthropomorphic bugs that used swords and guns.

1998: starcraft popularizes the image of the dark, creepy, insectoid spacebug

2001: 3rd edition nids drastically change artstyle to match that.

Even then, the modern depiction of the zerg are very different from 40k.


protoss: Nothing like the Eldar design and asthetically, pre-dates the Tau, the psychic alien trope is very old


storyline: Terrans: overthrowing governments 3 times in 7 years. Protoss have multiple collapses and reforms, zerg get humanized.

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