German police raid 36 homes over hateful postings on social media

I'm not trying to weasel my way out of anything

You called millions of people racist just for reading a given source, and then you tried to backtrack, kinda, because you didn't want to really stand by such outlandish claim.

The other part of the comment was about how socialist policies can't work in the US because they're not homogenous like Europe, which is r/ShitAmericansSay material.

My last comment about healthcare was quite some days ago... so you are stalking me... going through my history... This is creepy man, and concerning...

You can't complain about how many dörty moslems we have and then call us homogenous.

You can't find a single comment that I ever did complaining about too many muslims in any nation... Now you are just outright lying...

But that's part of another conversation so whatever.

Yeah... you should talk to a doctor... You have serious issues man... There's a lot going on inside your head.

y point was that Breitbart and the likes are an unreliable source with a pretty racist bias,

No, you literrally said that people that read Breitbart/Daily Mail are racists, and now you are backtracking

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