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Quora Community Answers wanted • 34m Why most of answers on Quora includes definition of the words in questions? Share Downvote Entrepreneurship Answer promoted • Mon How can I be as great as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Richard Branson? James AltucherJames Altucher, Blogger, author, social media, invest... (more)
5.4k upvotes by James Parish-Bassett, Andrei Catinean, Hunter Ducharme, (more) 10 THINGS I LEARN FROM RICHARD BRANSON The other day I went out at night and fell asleep on a park bench near the beach in Miami.

When I opened my eyes I pretended I had just landed on the world. ... (more) Downvote Comments67+ Share89 Money Answers wanted • 6m How would trade and economy work between earth and mars if mars would be a thriving inhabited planet not unlike earth? What could mars produce that earth desires? What does mars need from earth? How much does each planet want to pay for this? Would it u... (more) Share Downvote Interpersonal Interaction Answer written • Sun My husband likes watching TV on his cellphone with his earphones on. This sometimes leads to him ignoring our 2-year-old daughter when she is trying to talk to him. Am I correct in saying that this can result in our daughter picking this habit and ignore other people as she grows up? Alison BennettAlison Bennett 133 upvotes by Matt Wasserman, Carol Baldridge, Michael McCarthy, (more) Your children will learn all of their habits from you and your husband, so yes. The problem with your situation is that your daughter is also learning that her father cares more about his phone tha... (more) Downvote Comments5+ Share Entrepreneurship Answers wanted • 8m If I am an entrepreneur working at home, is it okay for me to drink a beer in the morning? View 1 Answer Share Downvote International Relations Answer written • 26 Feb What does it feel like to be Canadian and have the opportunity to call the world's most powerful country, the USA, your neighbor? Marcia Peterson BuckieMarcia Peterson Buckie, 3d generation American 28 upvotes by Ken Fishkin, Alan Dillman, Jim Ryan, (more) There must be some overlap in how it feels for those of the US who live near the Canadian border and have the opportunity to call them our neighbour.

My husband's family, my Canadian coworkers, ... (more) Downvote Comments2 Share Food Answers wanted • 6m Since wealth is what you want and food is what we all need to live which is intrinsically valuable and which has no value? The answer seems obvious although most humans don't think much about our flimsy value system. One catastrophe could render all symbolic v... (more) Share Downvote Money Answer promoted • 6 Mar What are the ten most important things about personal finance someone without a finance background must know? James AltucherJames Altucher, Blogger, author, social media, invest... (more)
7.5k upvotes by Shea Bennett, Ursula Whiteside, Tom Li, (more) A) Don't get a salary. A salary will never make you money. B) Don't invest any of your money. Investing is for wealth preservation, not wealth creation, so first you have to make wealth C) Come up... (more) Downvote Comments67+ Share92 Startup Advice and Strategy Answers wanted • 6m What would be the best degree to get to help with venture capital? I HAVE to go to college. On top of running a few startups, I'm a finance major. Is there anything else that might be more helpful? MIS? etc? Share Downvote Top content on Quora ★ What is the point of living an unexceptional life? Eivind KjørstadEivind Kjørstad 5.8k upvotes by Jose Rossall, Thomas Johnson, Jen Almonte, (more) I live an entirely unexceptional life. Listen.

I'm a pretty average-looking 39 year old guy. I've got a decent education, but nothing out of the ordinary. I've got a decent job that I enjoy doing,... (more) Downvote Comments107+ Share19 There's more on Quora... Pick new people and topics to follow and see the best answers on Quora.

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - l-iz.de