Getting ready to Sue Valve, talked to lawyer, filed some paperwork, frustrated to no end. [Rant]

Cut the corporate hate bullshit and the reddit circlejerk of how steam support sucks.

I just talked about how EA and Ubisoft have better customer support. Are you under the impression that they are small time indie developers or something? Of course, I'm aware that there's no way anyone could dislike certain company practices unless they're some edgy fuck who wants to stick it to the man!

I've used steam since the beginning and have never had any issues because I didn't do any shady shit. And I've collected a large number of contacts who are also in the same boat.

I am absolutely sure that your sample size is insignificant compared to the total amount of active Steam users. You aren't talking about the quality of drinking water from the village well here, this is a program that a few million people actively use. The argument of "it's not the case for me and my handful of friends so it must not be true" does not work if you're talking about something on a program of this scale and with this many complaints.

I'm sure I could find some people that like their Dell computers, would that provide proof that Dell makes great computers and anyone who says otherwise obviously just mistreats their computers?

If this guy has this serious of issues, he probably fucked up somewhere along the line of thinking "He did everything correctly," or he got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.

Yeah, him and the many other people with complaints about this problem?

What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to convince yourself that your small sample size of anecdotal evidence proves that Steam's notable reputation for having shitty customer support is just a big conspiracy that cheaters, pirates, and all around incompetent people have formed? Your argument has about as much substance as "you don't like this game because you suck at it".

And for the record, I haven't had a bad experience with Steam; this isn't just me lashing out at them. I hardly have ever used their customer support outside of attempting to get refunds. I just haven't had problems with Steam. Maybe, in your view, I should support your opinion on the matter because of this. The thing is I'm not illogical enough that I think that cheaters and pirates are making these (often times well documented, I might add) claims of Steam's mediocre customer support.

/r/Steam Thread Parent