Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces $400 million in aid to Ukraine, including $300 million in oil products.

I could see an argument that this is a ‘long term investment’ to solidly a standing as the most stable supplier - but damn the last part of your comment really solidifies the point - that was well written.

My anecdote is ultimately worthless but I was born in Aosta, spent a lot of time in France, some in the US and then another chunk in Bahrain for my dads work - it’s absolutely sick how you’re treated and the it’s like you can’t even attempt to have a discussion about it with the people around you without them shutting down and instantly getting defensive.

I don’t know - I ultimately don’t mean anything at the end of the day; but when my best friend and I lived in Bahrain, the locals were some of the most inviting, nice and “real” people around that base and it was sick to hear what the contractors and others would say behind closed doors - while LIVING in a community that overwhelmingly welcomed them.

It’s not okay and it’s not alright

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