[GIF] MRW a girl and I both post a selfie on instagram at the same time and 5 minutes later she has 62 likes and I have none

Hey Trolls, my first question to you lovelies.

I had my hens party a couple of weeks ago & it was purposefully low-key for several reasons.

1) We don't have a bridal party so I organised it all.

2) We're keeping spending to a minimum overall (we're paying for our wedding).

3) I knew my friends wouldn't be able to spend $$ so I had a backyard party at our house. It was the best.

Anyways, my amazing fiance is planning his own bucks party and has asked for my assistance to book stuff. No worries. I asked if he wanted me to book a topless waitress and/or stripper & he's said that he's got a quote for 2 topless waitresses & 2 strippers, coming to a total of $1300. WHAT THE HELL

This is after he's said he can't contribute much to the wedding because his clients haven't been paying on time (he takes care of the mortgage & bills, I take care of the wedding - no problem with that arrangement) and he's backed out on wedding expenses he committed to, like his suit which I ended up paying for.

THIS is why I'm frustrated. I told him as much but it turned into a "well, I'll just cancel everything, no girls at all, you're just being jealous"

No! I'm absolutely OK with him having 1 topless waitress and 1 stripper. We've talked about our boundaries & he knows that there's certain types of shows I'm super uncomfortable with & he's booked fairly tame shows which respect my boundaries. It's not about the fact that there's nudie girls there. It's the fact that he's happy to spend $$$$$ (his friends will pay $50 each but it will not cover everything) on this while ignoring other wedding priorities.

Note I especially feel conflicted because he organised a topless waiter for my hens as a surprise because he knew I cut it out for financial reasons.

UGH HELP. Advice please?

/r/teenagers Thread Link - i.imgur.com