Girl I was seeing bit my dick

I posted it to tifu but got removed. Here's the post

Few weeks ago this new girl comes to my school (I'm 18, we're both 18 and seniors).

I chat her up a bit, and turns out we're both into drugs. Her heroin and shit, me just weed and occasionally other stuff (not hard shit). We chill, she starts coming over more and more, we smoke a lot, chill, etc.

Now when I say crazy, I mean bat shit crazy. She talked about psychosis a couple times which I shrugged off. She sporadically gets crazy eyes and acts fucking weird, it's hard to describe. But crazy.

Anyway, few days ago we're chilling like usual and she slips her hand down my pants. I don't stop her, and things get a little hot. Out of no where she just starts giggling and (gentley) bites my lip and just looks in my eyes. So I immediately drop me pants.

She grabs my dick and starts giggling even more. Then bit it. Not gentely. She bit my fucking dick.. hard. It started bleeding like crazy and she started laughing even more and I started screaming and she had blood all over her mouth, then spit on me.

I pulled my pants up, grabbed her hair, dragged her out of my house, threw her on the front lawn, locked my door and drove to the hospital while holding my dick tight with a dirty shirt wrapped around... which was harder than you think. I drive stick shift.

I got there, some people were laughing, I was shouting to random people and muttered a lot of swears and said 'my dick' probably 100 times. They finally shut me up and got me in a room, where they shoved a needle into my dick. I had a needle in my dick. It hurt like fucking hell. I shouted some more. Now I have stitches in a place I never thought I'd have stitches.

Here's a picture the day it happened. I took it when I got home, I can post another to show the progress so far (it's still bruised and swollen). This is a picture of my penis just so you know. And don't judge me, it's usually bigger but this was moments after getting home, after having 20+ people touch/look at it, and after having it wrapped in gauze and neosporin for hours.

Only good thing that came out of this were some nice painkillers.

tl;dr when they say don't stick your dick in crazy, don't stick your dick in crazy.

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