"Girls Only Play Supports"

Im a female gm offtank main and here are my thoughts:

I'll probably get a lot of hate for saying this but I think most girls play support because they're too lazy to learn other heroes and grind to become good at them. Just like the top comment in the thread says: "I LIKE TO WIN". Supports, especially mercy, are easy heroes to play and win with. That's a fact. Girls want to start playing a game and see immediate results to break away from the stereotype that "girls suck at video games", and supports are the easiest to do that with. What makes the situation worse is that, yes, most girls DO duo with guys that end up getting them to a higher rank than they'd be at if they solo queued. As someone who had to grind hours of ranked alone until I climbed, it's frustrating when I see a girl support in gm being boosted by her boyfriend duo, because I spent the time grinding while she got the easy way out. Regardless, you do you.

That being said, play whatever you want and duo with whoever you want. Because despite me putting in hours of solo que ranked, people still think my account is boosted or bought simply because I'm a girl. So duo, trio, play supports do whatever because people will never be satisfied and will always draw their own conclusions. That's my opinion, anyways.

/r/GirlGamers Thread