Girls stop responding to my texts. Get flaked on/ignored/shooed away. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Just because you have a pretty face doesn't make you a great person.

How you talk to someone and interact with them can greatly determine someone's interest looks aside. Public behavior and mannerisms can also be a factor. Hygiene is also a huge deal, how you smell to your self may not smell good to others, bad breathe is also a turn off.

It also appears you care deeply about appearance and that's fine I suppose if you're looking for a good lay, and not much more. Don't get me wrong, you should absolutely be attracted to who you choose to spend your time with but there are a lot of, pretty, dumb people in this world.

Resorting to the Internet fishing for compliments to boost your ego probably is a good indicator you're lacking something at a very personal level and you need to step back and take a long look at yourself and see what self improvements you can be making. I don't say this to be mean, try asking the women who teeter out what made them feel the way they do, don't propose it aggressively actually look for constructive criticism if it's happening often enough for you to reach out to 'us' there's something you're missing out on.

Also, focus on your school and career. Get everything in place to set yourself up to be successful and no distractions. There are a lot of women who will look at you like a meal ticket and is that what you want too?

/r/rant Thread