GM Torb main Fuey BANNED by Blizzard

If you want people to play the game a certain way, it is within your power to make that happen. You don't even need "actual" friends, just add the first dozen people you meet that are halfway okay at the game.

No one should have to deal with throwers. No one should have to deal with harassment, flaming, etc.

For the record, I haven't complained about people not playing around me. I'm no one-trick. I'm just someone that doesn't whine for others to solve a problem that is already solved, and I'm just pointing out that there is a tool already in the game that you can use to avoid the exact thing you are complaining about.

So, what are you going to do? Continue asking Blizzard to do the thing they've already done (solve the one-trick problem), and continue trashing other players to feel better about yourself? Or are you going to realize you have some agency here, you have the exact tool you need, that it is entirely within your power to never have to deal with a one-trick again as long as you live?

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