Trying to remember all the things I didn't like about him / incompatibilities to make this breakup more bearable. Feel free to share your list.

LDR He avoids talking about his feelings Avoids repairing the relationship Advoids and withholds love from you! Silent treatment Did nothing for anniversary Only cares about festivals and drugs Complains constantly! About everything He always has to be right No empathy to how I'm feeling No empathy to anyone with a different opinion Doesn't make me feel loved Hard for him to show affection the way I want and need. Is passive aggressive and hurts my feelings a lot Teases me but it just ends up putting me down and giving me low self esteem Angry a lot of the time Not emotionally intelligent Withdrawn No desire to be better for himself Is annoying I no longer enjoy this relationship where I get nothing out of it I DON'T WANT my daughter HAVING TO FEEL HOW I FEEL. HOW HE RESPONDS AND REACTS TO ME HE WILL TO HER! I can't picture living with him. Gives me anxiety to picture it Gives me anxiety and doesn't big me up at all and doesn't complement me as often as I'd like. Think he might be dead inside? Too far gone to show any real emotion.
No sex and when we do it's not great No emotional intimacy!!!! On his birthday when he was stuck with us at the house he hated it and wished he was doing something else. My daughter and I deserve better! Someone who wants to be with us

It's funny. I actually wrote this in July. We broke up 3 days ago. Looking back, while some of these things did change a little, it wasn't enough. He broke up with me after an argument about him not having much empathy for me, something we have spoke about a lot, then he ended it. I'm sad and have mixed emotions. Still have rose colored glasses on even looking at this list. Logically, it's probably for the best. But emotionally? Damn it hurts

/r/BreakUps Thread