A good mentor makes a huge difference

I’m seeing a lot of subs and aircrew. But of course those are going to be better, but have you been on a carrier with 100 plus people in your division and over 600 in your department. You would then come to realize favorite-tism either in your favor or not. And if it’s not in your favor you then realize you’ll be on the receiving end of the bullshit. I’m speaking from personal experience. Every TAD billet I had, the chain of command came to love me, except my own. 2 pinned Airmen that they didn’t like, and they wanted better for others. 20 months working in security, 8 months working with deck as TAD billets, I never went through as much bullshit as with my own division. My rates ABH btw.

/r/navy Thread Link - i.redd.it