I want to finish my engineering degree and commission. Is National University good? I’ve heard from some people mentioning that they weren’t able to commission bc of the university.

No problem at all! So I was originally used my GI Bill to take classes toward a CS degree and spent an academic year and a half there. So yes, it was intro courses which could play a part in that. However, very few of my credits actually transferred and I ended up doing a full four years at UNC because of that. Luckily I was able to make it work with a mix of my remaining benefits, the Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship through the VA, and other grants.

Do I think the program works and is an option for some? Sure. However, I would never compare it to the education myself, my wife, and the people I know that went to an option akin to a state school. There are legitimate schools out there providing online education that is no different than you get on campus - take for example Purdue - that I find it shocking someone would choose a watered down education at a degree mill such as WGU.

However, I understand it. They market very well to more vulnerable communities such as the military and that marketing gets passed around by others that took courses there but don't know better.

At the end of the day, a degree is better than no degree and WGU is MUCH better than a lot of other options out there. However, there is no reason to when there better options that are just as accessible.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense. We just arrived in our hotel after an 8 hour drive as make our way back across the country from a vacation.

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