Bad Migraines/Headaches - what will happen if I say something?

My husband had migraines a lot too and they did an eye surgery because they thought that would fix it. It didn’t, he still has them, and as a side effect of the surgery his eyes are now very sensitive to light and he has to wear sunglasses a looooot. It never effected his MOS (Marine) or anything. He reported it to the VA when he got out and they gave him a percentage for it though, and it was easier to get that because he had documentation from medical when he was in.

Even if you do get force-rated to something else though, NOTHING in the military is worth your health. Given the choice between no migraines and your rate, the choice should always be no migraines. Especially since you’re taking so much Advil and Motrin to deal with it on your own, that can be really bad for you.

/r/navy Thread