The GOP waves white flag in the same-sex marriage wars

Using the term HRT/Puberty blockers interchangeably was an error not a covert attempt to change the topic. I already admitted that I’m not an expert on this topic.

Likewise, I find it incredibly suspect that any therapist can accurately and sufficiently diagnose a young adolescent patient within a single visit. You say it takes a while. What does this mean? I’ve heard that blockers are prescribed within 1 visit. Is this inaccurate? If so, what is the standard. I work in medicine so I know enough to be vaguely informed of mental healthcare practices. Maybe I’m wrong on this topic but all of my psychiatrist/psychologist friends routinely talk about the importance of getting to know their patients before reaching a diagnosis/treatment plan yet I’m supposed to believe this domain is entirely different. So when I hear patients get scripts within a single visit when they indicate gender dysmorphia I am surprised.

I know when same-sex marriage became legal. I was indicating that I was an outspoken supporter for marriage equality in the late 90s/early 00s when support was in the 20-30% range. The broader point was that linking marriage equality to trans rights doesn’t necessarily seem straightforward to me. The rights and benefits granted to consenting adult partners is not really the same as the medical care afforded to minors.

I’m sure Republicans are opposed to more than “trans degeneracy” that’s not my claim. My claim is that arguments that hinge on these situations are likely to raise the eyebrow of the general public in a way that fear mongering about your neighbors being gay won’t. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t alarmed to see the stories of kids under 10 transitioning. Maybe these stories are misleading in some way that I, as a non-expert, can’t see or understand. Also, I’ve seen stories claiming that some young trans people may be experiencing some kind of social contagion effect with some later switching back to their original gender in adulthood. Is this prevalent? I doubt it but have not seen any data either. That said, if it true then I find that alarming to give younger children prescriptions in a way that is entirely different from who someone chooses to have a sexual relationship with isn’t. Which again, is why I struggle to see equal rights for same sex couples as fully analogous to trans rights.

I’ve been trying to understand this area more recently but I find it is much more complicated than other equality movements due to the age at which treatment/action is initiated.

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