"you got 5 seconds do something" "lol oke"

They bother because it gives people jobs. Germany is big enough and has the money to do that. People are lazy andI guess most of my fellow Germans cba to watch movies or play games in their original form.

There are a lot of pros and cons to dubbing and localisation. Germany started dubbing movies after 1945 when the occupation forces started watching their movies and peoples interests shifted to those foreign movies even though they didn't speak other languages beside German.

They quickly founded dubbing studios in major cities like Berlin, Munich and Hamburg to maximise profits from selling foreign movies.

Up to this day almost all TV shows, movies, anime and games will have a German language version. Sometimes games only have German subtitles but most of the time we get trained voice actors to play their parts.

I personally shiftet slowly but surely away from all of this. My main movie/tv-show intake happens on the internet where I can watch the original in their native languages. I prefer watching foreign stuff with subtitles. I am not a fan of voice acting over another actors performance.

There are a few drawbacks when it comes to this. People are not used to hearing someone talk in a foreign language. We do have english classes but it stays in class for most of us. You have to be actively changing the way you do things to change it up. There are a few cinemas that show english versions of movies, most of them are in big cities. People living rather rural don't have these "quality of life" options.

I can go on about this forever but you can see the differences. I think Sweden, Finland, Norway and Holland are one of the smaller European countries that show all the foreign stuff with subtitles only. Those "blessed" by this system are so much better at speaking and understanding english.

I gotta go back to work now.

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