I got a harassment warning after calling the police for suspected suicidal tenancies. post 150+ blocked calls.

so, to be clear. more has happened than i'll be saying here. maybe im not completely innocent under some lights, but overall, i think this was unjustified by the police.

I had previously blocked everything but texts (as im unsure how) from this person and that was how she contacted me after giving me a few missed calls. I finally decided to call her to tell her to stop calling or hear what she had to say. and she what she had to say was "I had sex with ___" followed by, "have you done anything bad?" so im fine with telling her ive been on porn while ive been away from her. as she just told me she was having sex. but then I hung up.

after this, I get texts saying "when?" and "why?" and more... then it moved onto threats and her describing what she has done with other people and attacking my insecurities. my only response was "Im getting a notification saying your texting, but saying it has blocked the text. Stop texting" when really i could see everything and tried my best not to reply anything hurtful in return. she moved onto cutting herself and how it was bleeding. so I call the police.

I then get silence... before the police call me and say they will arrive soon. immediately they start describing to me what cases of harassment might be and what the different levels of action are. I sais "is this directed at me or her?" and they explain she wanted to stop me from harassing her and they also mentioned she hadn't cut herself. so im forced to change my number and sign a warning.

/r/MensRights Thread Link - imgur.com