Got a new PC after 6 ~ years, what to play?

Turn off the HUD then. Become one with the hunter. Hell, splash some parsley and blood mixture in your own face? What do you expect when it's clearly explained that witchers can conventrate and cancel out side things. Only disappointing thing in Witcher 3 is the lack of Medallion interaction and even that is finely incorporated. Rest of the things you mentioned are available to fix in the options menu.

I'm not even sorry if I sound like a prick, that game is pure gold, it's old-school quality. Companies dish out games for £30 which are 4 hours long. Witcher takes at least 100 hours if you rush it that is. You don't like aspects of it, ask how to fix it instead of being a douche online because you ignoring a simple gameplay option can lead to people ignoring this masterpiece.

Once again, not sorry. Everybody has to at least give Witcher 3 a shot (after checking out the mysterious "OPTIONS" section) and decide if they want more of it. It is the definition of an old-school game redefined.

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