Government admits that AR's are not military weapons

Why the nuclear weapons nonsense? "Arms" as used in the 2nd Amendment refer to an individuals weapons which are used for personal offense/defensive purposes in acts of war. Nuclear weapons in no way fit that description and it is disingenuous to treat them as personal arms. They are no more personal arms than the crew served aircraft/missiles used to deliver them, and even if we are talking about a suit case bomb, that is not a weapon of personal offense/defense, it is a weapon of mass destruction. Rifles and even pistols are only "weapons of mass destruction" when the targets are unarmed and captive, i.e. in an enclosed environment. Remove those two conditions and small arms are no longer capable of delivering "mass destruction". Nuclear weapons negate all that. It matters not if the assailed are armed, unarmed, captive, capable of flight, barricaded. A rifle does not level cities nor even city blocks . As well, small arms are discriminate whereas a defining feature of WMD's is that they are by nature completely indiscriminate. One must also rule out bombs of all types as they are not weapons of personal defense. One is not going to deploy bomb to break off an attack by another person. It is nonsensical to think that even if we had grenades anyone would use one to stop an attack by a burglar. So let's stop conflating small arms with WMD's, even hand held one's; they are not arms of personal defense/offense

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