Grand Exchange Suggestions - Megathread

Sorry for piggybacking this rant lol I'm just so frustrated at people's lack of fucking economics knowledge.

I'm not a fucking economics major. I've never taken an economics course past high school. I should know nothing about economics.

But even I fucking know how stock and commodity markets work. I've played around with cryptocurrency markets which holds about the same real-world worth as the GE. They show you the prices, and even the fucking order sizes. You can automate these orders without any hassle. And people still flip manually, successfully. Hell, I've even made a flip once or twice without automation, and not some measly 0.01% flip either. It was a decent margin of around 10%, albeit of like $0.50 total cash.

The only thing showing prices will do is remove margins from high frequency items like mahogany planks. In the same way, I didn't do those flips on the big names like Bitcoin or Dogecoin. I searched through the entire catalogue of markets (>150, by the way) and I researched the margins. I took effort to flip. Relying on information obfuscation to make your profits higher is just lazy.

And you know what's fresh? A lot of people flipping probably are the same people complaining about EZ-scape. These people think that you should be forced to do mindless tasks for the "achievement" but the second you talk about flipping it's all about saving effort on research and creativity. It just honestly is one of the few things that really pisses me off about the community at this point.

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