Why do you group all Republicans together in a very negative way?

Because of their representatives. The people they've selected to stand in their proxy, who they have decided most closely align with their values, have actively tried to make life worse for anyone other than a very select few.

That was pre-2016. In 2016, they elected a confidence man into the highest office in our country, a confidence man who was also extremely sexist, racist, and all around offensive in almost every sense of the word. This man proceeded to, again, attempt to make life worse for everyone except a select few, surrounded himself with sycophants, lied to the American people repeatedly, and tried his hardest to do as little as possible, costing us million of dollars and lives.

And yet, through all of this, republicans still align with the party. So, I'm led to the conclusion that they support these behaviors, which makes them objectively bad people.

/r/AskReddit Thread