GTA: Vive Alpha 0.1 Release

I'm having an odd problem where the game crashes at the second wall of text (first one talks about EULA etc, the second more legal stuff plus the "do not close the game when icon x is showing"). However, if the game window is NOT in focus while it loads, it works just fine and loads the main menu/title screen and I can alt+tab into it, but as soon as I click anything, the game crashes instantly.

gtaVrInjectLog.txt: Attached main DLL to GTA: V Attemping to hook D3D/DXGI device creation methods.. D3D11Module: 0x00007FFDDB8E0000 DXGIModule: 0x00007FFDDB7D0000 Successfully created hook from 0x00007FFDDB8FA030 to 0x00007FFDD3B51260 Original: 0x00007FFDD3B61DC0 Successfully created hook from 0x00007FFDDB8FA190 to 0x00007FFDD3B513B0 Original: 0x00007FFDD3B61DA0 Successfully created hook from 0x00007FFDDB7D6270 to 0x00007FFDD3B511A0 Original: 0x00007FFDD3B61DA8 Called CreateDXGIFactory : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0F40 DXGIFACTORTY1: 0x00007FFDDB7D63D0 Created nFactory 0x00007FFDDB832598 Got oldass interface pFactory 0x0000023B66338260, upgrading Called D3D11CreateDevice : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0FC0 Called D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0F80 Called CreateDXGIFactory : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0F40 Created nFactory 0x00007FFDDB832598 Got oldass interface pFactory 0x0000023B7972C340, upgrading Called D3D11CreateDevice : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0FC0 Called D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0F80 Called D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0F80 Initializing HMDSupport.. Successfully initialized HMDSupport Called D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0F80 HMDRenderer successfully created render texture 0 HMDRenderer successfully created render target 0 HMDRenderer creating depth texture 0 HMDRenderer successfully created render texture 1 HMDRenderer successfully created render target 1 HMDRenderer creating depth texture 1 Created render targets and shared resources Initialized scene Called D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain : Original 0x00007FFDDB8D0F80

asiloader.log // GTA V ASI LOADER (build May 2 2015) // (C) Alexander Blade 2015 LIB: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dinput8.dll" => 00007FFDC6490000 API: "DirectInput8Create" => 00007FFDC649A4C0 API: "DllCanUnloadNow" => 00007FFDC64AA1F0 API: "DllGetClassObject" => 00007FFDC64AA2C0 API: "DllRegisterServer" => 00007FFDC64B3C70 API: "DllUnregisterServer" => 00007FFDC64B3F10 LOADER: Loading *.asi plugins ASI: Loading "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVive.asi" "GTAVive.asi" => 00007FFDBB1F0000 ASI: Loading "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\NativeTrainer.asi" "NativeTrainer.asi" => 00007FFDC7610000 ASI: Loading "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\SkipIntro.asi" "SkipIntro.asi" => 00007FFDC8450000 LOADER: Finished loading *.asi plugins

No other mods installed, Steam version. Game loads fine into the 1152x1280 resolution without the contents of extracted into the main folder. SteamVR is running, crashes even while SteamVR is not running.

/r/Vive Thread