GTrusted and Benson Leung retract their accusations against OnePlus 3 and its OTG abilities because they didn't notice an OTG toggle in the settings

What a huge non-apology. If they didn't go on a huge tirade on what a shit company OnePlus was I think it would have been received a bit differently.

To +(All those calling for blood), please keep in mind +GTrusted , +Benson Leung, myself, and everyone else doing these reviews for you guys is taking on a whole lot of work on your behalf. I spend a good 4-5 hours testing these things a day. Even when I publish, I revisit and edit things as I learn more about my tools and procedures.

This info is freely available. If you think something is wrong, please do your own tests and post results YOURSELF. We do our best to put out the best info we can. But when you are evaluating hundreds (or thousands) of permutations and combinations like GTrusted does, mistakes can happen.

Ever borrow someone's car? You know that feeling when it's night and you can't find the stupid headlight switch because the manufacturer didn't add an automatic? Imagine, that, but 10 or 20 times a week. So yes, OnePlus hiding that toggle was dumb when Vanilla Android has the Notification Menu safety dropdown by default. ("Juice Jacking" warning.)

In the internet age, editing the original post is as good as issuing a formal correction. Unlike paper where you can't change the text once it's made, the internet you can. Hence why places like Gizmodo always have that "via" link at the bottom. Always, always click that and go to the root primary source first if you think something's wrong. That's basic informed readership.

Anyhow, thanks Benson for issuing the edit, and hopefully people will be more considerate about the challenges of trying to create content for other people, especially when it is unpaid and unsponsored.

/r/Android Thread Link -