[Louis Rossman] I was wrong about Samsung

“fire a kill shot on the entire repair industry”

They are seeking to block the importation of 3rd party screens made in China build to 'exact' specifications to work with Samsung phones by infringing on however many patents necessary to do it. Would sourcing screens from Samsung or 3rd parties that respect the patents by paying the necessary fees to create them be a "deathblow"? It sounds like a clickbait line to me, sorry. Granted, this does hinge upon how 3rd party screen makers react to this. Rather than suddenly losing all their sales, I would imagine Samsung would rather have them agree to to a proper patent licensing deal.

Not saying he doesn't have a point

And here is my line from my original post to remind everyone that I am not saying that Samsung isn't handling this in a poor way, because they are. It could absolutely disrupt independent and small repair businesses in the short term.

/r/Android Thread Parent Link - youtube.com