Why do you guess seem to hate JETS so much?

Back in 2007, I moved to Japan to teach ESL. I was the 2nd to last NOVA hire group before they went belly up. I knew when was going down before they went bankrupt, so I bailed and took a rural job. I ran into jets quite often working rurally. They always lorded over other ESL teachers because of their better benefits and higher pay. Many assumed that they were in the country because of their better qualifications, but most of the time, it was just luck of the draw. Being ‘elite’ among public school ESL teachers in Japan isn’t much of an accomplishment with some exceptions.

I wasn’t into anime or video games growing up, and the entire time I was in Japan I only dated other expats, so I never had a reason to study Japanese other than personal interest. I did however learn to speak conversational Japanese. Despite this, many JETs would often go out of their way to “out-Japanese” us, regardless of how shitty their language ability or cultural knowledge. They received government funded language and culture classes, so clearly knew better than everyone else.

For this reason, many JETs came across as arrogant know-it-all preppies who mostly wound up in their position by happenstance. I later met JETS who were more down to earth and chill. You can’t paint all people with them same brush, and their are awesome people in every group.

However, while not all cunts are JETS, a disproportionate number of JETS are cunts.

/r/japancirclejerk Thread