Gun folks, what would it take for you to get rid of your guns? Conversely, anti-gun folks, what would it take for you to get a gun?

I'll get a gun when:

1) The statistics show that owning a gun is safer than not owning a gun. Currently, the statistics show that owning a gun is more dangerous than not owning a gun (and no, not for the reasons that pro-gun folks try to push. It has either been adjusted for or is bad statistical interpretation.).

2) I have been properly trained in gun usage. This includes basic safety, becoming proficient, and knowing how to properly respond to various situations that might emerge (note: most of them do not require one to take out a gun). This is important because most people who own guns tend to be more aggressive and escalate situations.

3) Guns are properly monitored, tracked, and regulated within the US government. I have no desire to participate in an industry that promotes irresponsibility, pushes back on common sense regulation, and is a primary contributing factor to mass shootings in the US.

/r/AskReddit Thread