Guy gets downvoted to Hell for saying "Men aren't privileged"

eh, stats alone are worthless. you can manipulate and cherry pick them any way you want to prove anything you want. i'd also mention how they gave no links in the description for their sources and im supposed to take them at their word, but thats already a high standard for these type of youtubers these days. not to mention, they dont even claim this paragraph to have a source. "pure stats"

Here, it’s the women who lead in all but one category. Even within the same profession, men and women make different career choices that impact how much money they make. Take nursing, where male nurses on the whole earn 18% more than female nurses. The reason? Male nurses gravitate to the best-paying nursing specialties, they work longer hours, and disproportionately find jobs in cities with the highest compensation.

and i do think its important for people to know wether or not a video has a bias or not. i dont think anyone even thinks huffpo (as you seem to like them) isnt biased. also, i missed where they stated their bias.

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