Guy mocking a elder Native American protestor

I don't know, man. This guy is a 70 year old veteran. I'm not saying that what you're saying didn't happen, but they're clearly mobbing the guy, you can see it in the other videos. They're wearing MAGA hats, which anyone with any self-awareness should know immediately puts other people on edge because it symbolizes certain things, whether the person actually believes those things or not.

What you're saying here sounds more like an excuse, like the type of shit kids tell their parents to explain away their actions. Saying they were calling you names and crap - that just sounds like a 15 year olds justification. Regardless, if that happened, I'm pretty sure this particular guy wouldn't have been the one who did it.

Ultimately, you're right, IF the old man DID approach them and instigate this, his behavior was also wrong. But either way, their behavior is abhorrent. Seriously - any people of any race, unless they're part of the group, is going to see a group of men/boys in MAGA hats as a potential threat, whether the group is white or black or mixed or whatever, because the hat has been adopted by the worst in our society.

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