Bob coming for last night’s runway and Trinity keeping it real.

It would be like Trinity saying a roast challenge was bad.

lmao, I always think how awkward her "where are the jokes" thing is that shes always quoting( which I think ironically is from the roast originally if i remember?idk) considering yano her 2 roast performances were hardly a laugh a minute, like you said.

But I get you. I love me some Bob and think hes charismatic and has true star quality but she is making me cringe on Twitter lately. a bit of an input hoe, sometimes do you really need to say anything. Like even the whole yvette brown thing about the judges did she really need to say that, did it really need to be said. Especially about a true icon like helen/shirley <3. But yano was just a bit tactless, if it is true and they didnt know who they were did you really need to point it out Bob. Either its true and everyone's already thinking it or youre just ignorant, either way ya don't need to say it. An same with this really, yeah its a boring runway but did we really need Bob of all people to say it lmao.

But yano supose bob was never known for knowing when to shut up, remember the recording challenge with (the now infamous) Lucian.

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