This guy on OKCupid today... Ugh.

Thank you for your perspective. I agree in part.

I'm mostly getting downvoted because I disrupted the "Yeah! What an asshole!" circlejerk. You have someone like GoSker29 sitting at positive 30 upvotes, who is basically waxing philosophical about some ill-conceived feminist theory about men seeing women as conquests. You have other people who say that it's selfish entitlement and general asshattery.

I'm giving a real, human perspective that acknowledges that the guy who wrote that message is a person like you and me. That rarely fits in with group-think, which is so common on Reddit (And has nothing to do with the fact that this is a woman-oriented subreddit), where people are painted in either black or white: good or evil.

Yes, it was stupid of him to assume that she didn't answer him for personal reasons, and he very clearly implied that she was a rude and directly said she was cold. One hour and a half isn't a long time to wait, and he must either have had a really shitty day to have waited such a short time, or who knows - he really IS this machievellian egotistical asshole misogonyst that other posters imply.

But if you think about it, OP overreacted too. She had a really shitty day, and channeled all that frustration over into the conversation with him. Just like it's not HER fault that most women don't respond to him, it's not HIS fault either that her car broke down - and he had no way of knowing. If it were me i that situation, I would probably think the same she did. "What an asshole, feeling he's entitled to my attention, no consideration, implying I'm being a bitch" etc. Having had a shitty day I would probably have lashed out too.

Also, remember that I'm not trying to point any fingers here. I'm just answering this post:

Like, WHY do they get sooo offended if you don't message them right away? This happens so much. Like, we have shit to do. Like, you know, life and shit.

It seems I was being ignorant enough to believe that the poster wanted a legitimate answer.

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