Guy sets up a GoFundMe for surgery needed by his dying dog. Proceeds to spend money on unneeded items and services while posting "...I may have to put him down" regarding donations. (Xpost facepalm)

This infuriates me on a couple different levels. I'll preface with my experience which was an almost identical situation:

I adopted a senior dog and about a month in she got very, very sick. I sobbed the entire way to the vet because I thought that was it for her. When they told me it would be possible to save her, I agreed without hesitation regardless of the cost. After a night and full day of intense care at a vet and some surgery a short time later, she was healthy again. It demolished my savings but I was happy to do it for her and just prepared to live on ramen for a few months while I tried to get my head back above water.

A friend encouraged me to make a gofundme to recoup some of the costs and I usually don't like the idea of asking for money like that, (in my eyes the dog was my responsibility since I had adopted her) but I figured why not thinking maybe 2 people would donate and I set the limit at around $100. (Just enough to buy groceries and dog food for the month.) Through the immense kindness of others I recouped the losses from my dog's vet bills plus a small bit more. I opted to shut down the fundraiser a few days early because donations were still coming in and I didn't want to take advantage of people's kindness. I put the extra money into savings and it helped a ton with the pup's later vet bills. (And boy were there a lot. Would do it all again though.)

I have a lot of trust issues but the whole ordeal taught me that people, even strangers, can be incredibly kind when they want to be. I will cherish what happened forever as a lesson in charity and kindness.

Because of that I cannot IMAGINE taking advantage of people who were kind enough to send me their hard-earned money in a time when so many people are struggling. If you tell them the money is going towards a dog's surgery and then it doesn't, you are flat out stealing from them. You might as well just walk up to them and swipe their purse. Yeah, they donated it, but most gofundme stuff comes in from friends and family and there's a level of trust there. Trust that the money is going to go towards where it is needed.

Also, how the FUCK could anyone sit and watch their dog suffer like that - especially when they HAVE THE MEANS TO FIX IT?

tl;dr: Don't fucking lie and steal from people through donation drives, man.

I just...argh!! I don't wish violence or retribution on anyone, but I sincerely hope that some kind of emotional lightning strikes this guy and he realizes what he did and feels genuine, deep felt remorse at his actions.

/r/quityourbullshit Thread Link -