Guys, why are you single?

Because I'm boring...

I do work, I play video games, I make things with electronics and computer programming, I mountain bike, I workout. I don't party, I don't travel, I don't watch TV or popular shows or movies, I don't like comic books, I don't really listen to music or keep up to date with new trends, I'm not keen on sports, I don't do a lot of things that involve more than just me.

So when I talk to someone it's always a struggle to find at least something we can talk about; when I do it's usually video games or working out. The ven diagram of things I like and can talk about and things other people like and talk about doesn't overlap that much.

This is why I'm single and find it hard to make friends. I've had a few girl friends over the years but they all tend to end it after they realise the moment they met me was probably the most interesting I've been in months.

I'm trying to improve by watching and keeping up with sports, listening to new trending music on spotify, and just trying to go out with my friends more.

/r/AskReddit Thread