so guys, I'm like kinda losing it with this insanity. its not good for my health, and clearly might even fuck my life completely by something I say or do now. Should I just try to hedge my bets and try to go back to sleep?

I don't think everyone in it is all evil.

but I do see a clear line in history being drawn since at least rome or earlier, where the ruling class had access to tech and education others didn't, as well as a concentration of wealth and land that lasts to this day.

the reason I hate, specifically, the old rich and decendants of kings/popes/etc is that they have unfairly had an advantage and ability to weasel into all the economies of the world and CREATE this situation.

it wasn't EVERYONE.

All we needed was a few criminals per generation until the system was completely absconded with by those criminals.

how else do you get a CIA that doesn't answer to congress???

the thing is, once you start arresting people, if you find out its just one person ok, they get locked up, done with,.

but once you find out there is a network of people working together for a common goal, they ALL have to go.

and if you find out that network works intergenerationally to continue the plan over the ages and there IS a conspiracy, tehn you get into a neo-fascist dilemma where that entire group has to be erased.

I really think this is a possibility, especially with how there is an agenda for open borders including the pope and several key world power figures, while NONE of the world populace wants it --

I'm sorry for viewing myself as superior when I AM because I actually have some education in history, I actually paid attention and did well and enjoyed it.

I don't think I'm inherently any better or more valuable than anyone else, just that the right circumstances were there for me to reject what other people don't want to.

anyone probably could understand whats happening, but they don't want to.

they base their views on propaganda and literally made up fictions that their favorite talking head told them, not on history or any sound reasoning as to WHY things are the way they are to begin with.

I don't feel elite. to tell you the truth, I think I'm smart but I'm worthless. nobody loves me or will ever care about me, and ive already accepted that I'm going to suffer until I probably kill myself or something.

its not about feeling superior.

its more about feeling comfortable and safe. I already don't feel that way, and any moves into my quality of life would make it totally unlivable for me.

I wouldn't have a purpose or even a reason to keep going in that world, so that's personally what motivates me.

also I know I have nothing and if something major happens I'm screwed. I'm one of the first rejects to be killed and I know it.

if anything, I kind of hope for a regime change that offers me an opportunity for social advancement so maybe I can have some of those nice things.

but even that's really stupid, because the chaos and upheaval wouldn't be worth it.

people like Hillary do not deserve my forgiveness, and I doubt they will ask for gods even though he WOULD give it.

these people are intentionally misleading people and lying to them. and there is ample evidence they do NOT have our best interests at heart.

I struggle daily with the problem of losing empathy and compassion for the people who I say are brainwashed.

I'm scared that when push comes to shove they will support tyranny and insanity until they die.

in that situation I really do view my own view as superior, and I would remove the alternate group from existence if I could, but only if there was no other choice for the survival of a free and equal human race with inalienable rights.

I mean, if you protect the groups wishing to do you harm from violence, you open yourself up to death at their hands without resistance. you fall prey to the same tactics the league of nations did against hitler -- give them an inch and they will take ten miles.

do you look at what some of these groups and people say? they don't even have direct answers to questions you pose, they talk around issues like facts don't matter and its all opinion.

its NOT all opinion. anyone who believes that IS brainwashed. period.

a lamp is a lamp is a lamp, you can call it a car or a pidgeon all you want, but it will never change it from being what it fucking is. once you believe you have, you've totally lost your mind and all coherent connection with reality,

I struggle with the idea of whether or not some people are just born soulless, ideas like predestination.

I don't really think that. I reach out all the time and try to get people aware of current events. I always want to believe in the best until the very last second.

but I'm not sure if there can be a way out of this without a horrific purge.

I mean if we could somehow make peaceful changes and show everyone slowly what could be, it wouldn't have to be like that.

but as it is, people are very resistant to changes that could be good. the fearmongering all comes from the establishment and owns them.

its not about feeling special or better.

its a question of taking your own emotions out of the equation and questioning what would you HAVE to do in a theoretical situation where about 75% of the earth was literally brainwashed into supporting an insane evil tyranny, and now you get to the point where the whole race is at risk of extinction. what do you do with your remaining unified 10% force (those who escape the initial purge of resistance by the 75% and their dictators who claim to represent them)

ideally youd want to reach out to as many as you could, but realistically, if you could get at poisoning the water or food, and get rid of the whole group at once, youd be in a better survival position, because youd level out your numbers vs theirs, and even if you were labeled evil, if the threat was gone and good won, then it might have been the only way.

but I REALLY want to think mankind is better than that, and it wont be so cut and dry as that.

I want to think that more people are waking up and we'll have some new enlightenment where equality births itself from the power vacuum instead of a new tyranny, and it happens by peace and choice.

I strongly believe that democracy can work, and that enough people can wake up and do good for us all.

believe it or not, I look up to many people I view as asleep, I don't think they are lesser people, and that's why I struggle with what if scenarios like that so much.

I don't hate them because they aren't like me.

I don't dislike them because they disagree with me.

I say they are brainwashed with such certainty only because the things they say fly in the face of evidence and facts, and when presented with facts, they do not debate in kind with other facts, but obvious lies and propaganda, that when sourced, prove they have absolutely no evidence, and are just lies to manipulate people.

take this open borders and immigrants thing. Hillary's side has never once spoken a slight utterance of the truth, and every single attack made has been a bold faced lie.

in fact everything they've all said has been.

the only one real criticism they could come up with -- and this is MY CRITICISM, nobody said it yet -- and if you QUOTE ME BE DAMNED BECAUSE TRUMP FOR THE WIN -- would be that a shift from the current globalist system to a hybrid free market system with sovereignty would not only threaten to cause a war with china over lost profits, but also may not be stable as wed have to rebuild here and cancel long held contracts, and basically kick most of our outsourcing companies out.

but nobody even made that statement to the people (they did say globalists unite under Hillary)

truthfully at my core I believe in strong utopian equality -- but I don't think we can get there yet. I think we have to remove the shackles of false anthropology and sociology -- of the structure of this social system entirely.

and in order to do that, there would need to be a radical, independent regime change world wide and a new scope of human purpose and meaning.

I disagree about there being no difference between them and us. my hate is based in love, and I would struggle til the final moments to just get one more person to see the truth.

they on the other hand would go out of their way to keep people from the truth, and kill anyone who threatens their power enough to spread the truth by example in high places of government or society.

I don't have misanthropy in my heart, just because in my view there are people who have been hopelessly lost to propaganda and a false education.

I only have true hate for a very small, very specific subset of society. its not even all the 1%. just a select few of them.

I just really think its beyond time that we broke the shackles of royalty and eugenics.

there is no place in the world for people who gained their fortunes through lies, tyranny, and thievery.

we obviously see what happens when we let those people run us.

the real major question in my mind isn't even our own people, because I believe they WILL wake up when push comes to shove and work together.

I'm more afraid of places like china.

say we left the world order and became strong again and wealthy and paid off our debts nad left the fed.

now we are a MAJOR TARGET for the rest of the nations still part of that system, and also a viable threat to china and the corporations as well.

in the end that could even be a mutually assured destruction scenario.

but really I don't think America will go peacefully, and we will probably get hit with a nuke or have one of our reactors rigged or something.

I really think an independent America would be considered a global threat by the same people pushing globalism and NWO communism now.

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