Guys pick up girls on shrooms... goes about as well as expected...

Ok, here's what happened and I mostly only have myself to blame really. My friend called me and said that he and his girlfriend (who lived together) were going to eat some shrooms and asked if I wanted to join. I drove over to his house and when I get there they had already eaten their mushrooms...that's already a bad start. For anyone who doesn't eat mushrooms, it's always best to eat them at the same time as the other people so you are all on the same "level". So I make some tea out of my mushrooms to try and make them hit me faster so I can try to make them hit me the same time as them. It didn't work, they started tripping and after about 45 minutes I wasn't really feeling anything so I decided to eat about another half eighth...mistake number two. After another half hour or so still nothing so I ate some more (didn't really measure)...that was just retarded of me, such a rookie mistake really. Not too long after that it started to hit me, hard. They were already tripping pretty hard and we were putting on a movie, The Army of Darkness. I was ready for a great time, everything was good, then the girlfriend started to freak out a bit and went into her bedroom. So it was just me, my friend, and another friend who (i forgot to mention) didn't eat any mushrooms but had been drinking most of the night. It didn't really bother me though cause I was getting into the movie. After a little while (hard to know how much time at this point) I noticed that my friend had also gone in the bedroom with his girlfriend and shut the door. So it was now just me and the drunk friend. He didn't want to watch the movie anymore so he asked if he could play playstation. I thought that might be fun to watch so I said ok. Before he could get the game going though I was really starting to trip fucking balls and feeling a bit uneasy. So i decided to go out on the balcony and smoke a cigarette. I kept going from standing up to sitting down, just really restless. In the back is basically just a parking lot and some bushes. I was looking out in that direction and everything just kind of turned into a weird chinese new year circus kind of thing. One of the bushes definitely turned into one of those dragons that you see people under on a chinese new year. I had never had visuals like that before on mushrooms so it really freaked me out and I just went back inside. Now, when I get inside, the drunk friend is playing GTA and the screen is black and white, his character is just standing over a dead body with a shotgun and he's repeatedly shooting the dead body. This doesn't sit well with me. First I say, "Please tell me that screen is black and white and I'm not just tripping that hard." He confirmed that it was. I then asked if he could turn it off because the game was really freaking me out, especially him just killing people. So he agreed and we decided to try and watch a movie or something. I'm trying to explain to him that I'm feeling very uneasy and tripping too hard at this point, I really need happy thoughts and laughs. Anything cartoon would be great. He's not really feeling any of my suggestions as we pass them by, he keeps suggesting things like gangster movies. We can't agree so I finally give in and say ok let's watch that one gangster movie (I forget the name). He turns it on and the first screen is just a closeup of this guy's face and to me he looked like an alien, and I didn't like it at all. I asked him if that guy is in the movie alot? He said he was the main character. I said, we can't watch this. We finally go to On Demand and we agree on "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story". For the next 2 hours I basically try my best to focus on the movie and not freak the fuck out. Every once in a while I slip back into reality for about 10 seconds or so, and every time this happened I would just apologize to my drunk friend because I knew I was being really annoying and unreasonable, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. I'd say I peaked that hard for a good 3 hours before I starting feeling a normal happy trip. The entire time, I was on a sofa seat that I just could not for the life of me get comfortable on. It was the worst feeling I've ever had in my life. I actually did try eating mushrooms once or twice since then, but I just didn't enjoy it like I used to. So I've given up on them at this point. Kind of sad because I really loved tripping. I used to trip by myself alot and just watch movies. I don't think I could do it anymore though :(

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