Had a rare “cheat day” and ate probably over 10k calories

If you're in recovery, it's not "cheating" to indulge your hunger! It's legitimate hunger, bc your body's making up for a loooong season of famine and deprivation. Even if you've never trusted your cravings, you should trust them right now--those nutrients are repairing sites of invisible damage. Pretty soon it will start repairing VISIBLE damage: your nails will get stronger, your hair will get thicker, your skin will be nicer.

Please stay off the fucking scale, don't freak about about any (temporarily) wonky weight distribution, and don't think in terms of how many calories you're "supposed" to have in a given day--all averages are off the table right now, what you want is what you need. If you can't avoid thinking about calories (and let's be real, you literally can't), try to think in terms of undoing past damage and restoring your health.

Bottom line: good on ya, mate! I wish you the best of luck w your recovery!

/r/EDAnonymous Thread