I rarely think jokes about eating disorders are funny

Yeah but if I have “abnormal hair” it doesn’t mean I don’t have hair.

It’s true it’s not what people generally mean by anorexia but the equal sign doesn’t mean “most”.

For instance, when someone on reddit asks “women, do you use pads or tampons” they imply “woman=person who has vagina” and that excludes trans women.

You can say “most women have vaginas” or “most anorexics are underweight” but “anorexic=underweight” is excluding a whole category

Im not trying to say that your comparison is equivalent to transphobia (obviously) but it’s worth knowing that you can make a lot of people feel bad for “not being a REAL anorexic” when you act like it’s a requirement. That’s not great on an ED community

/r/EDAnonymous Thread Parent