I can’t stand when people stay this.

Well said. Yes. I think the issue to me is mainly the lack of nuance. It doesn't have to be "all dieting is ___" or "all weight loss is ____." Not only do I hope it doesn't dissuade people who find it important to them and their lifestyle but I also feel it alienates people from more intuitive and mindful behaviors that could really help them. By labeling someone who isn't sick as sick it feels like it may actually lead to more resistance when there are things that they may be doing that they could get support on. I know that if I told people like my in-laws, who all diet quite casually, that their behavior was disordered that they'd probably dislike the anti-diet and intuitive eating movement even more.

I do recognize how supportive and helpful it is to people with EDs. I think it's important for people who are in recovery to recognize the slippery slope that a lot of dieting is. I just also think it would actually be more helpful to more people if it was less black and white.

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